Wednesday, January 5, 2011

DB2 Health Advisor Service

This is the new feature incorporated in DB2 UDB, V9 onward. It's aimed at minimizing unplanned outages, as DBA's are busy and overworked.

Most important it's FREE  !!!
With just one command(db2has) you can have a detailed report about your system mailed to you.

Type in 60-70 characters and get a detailed report.
db2has -icn 123456 -systype "test" -email “" -send

Where: icn is customer number.
            email: Report is sent to the requested email address.
            systype: production, dev, test.
            -send: ftp to IBM support site.

For detail about command refer to online info center.

It checks Recommend SW Check (OS, Java, etc), Tuning Check (based on PMRs), End of Support, Resource Utilization, Analysis of db2diag.log , OS configuration and it has the Comparison Feature (Comparison to previous scan or comparison to similar system).

When you run this command, it collects information about OS, hardware, patches, DB2 configuration and workload, in the form of xml file db2has_hostname_timestamp.xml in the default location sqllib/db2hasdir.
sends it across to IBM, where analytics service create the report that eventually send to email address provided.

It's available with DB2 V9.1, fixpack 9, DB2 V9.5, fixpack 6, DB2 V9.7 fixpack 1.

For earlier fixpacks, utility can be downloaded: